Documentary family photography showing family picking strawberries in strawberry fields by Paper Bunny Studios

Strawberry Picking

There’s something about a juicy, ripe strawberry that sings of summer. For Cici + Steve’s documentary family photo session, we made it a day out to an Edmonton strawberry-picking farm so their 3 boys could indulge in eating and picking to their heart’s content.

The boys were excited a few days before their photo session, especially Evi, who LOVES strawberries. Cici (mom) had jars prepped and ready to jar some strawberries for baking goodies in the future (she is an excellent cook) – check out her recent Instagram posts where she shares recipes her family love (@ciciwonger).

We started with a few family photos before faces & clothes had strawberry juice all over them! The boys then jumped at the chance to start picking strawberries. The goal? Pick the biggest, reddest strawberries. Evi happily searched & ate, declaring it “soooo yummy!” The boys had great success & after an hour in the beautiful Edmonton summer sun, they had a huge bucket full of strawberries to take home.

Cici + Steve, I LOVE my adventures with your family. It was so sweet seeing Evi with a belly full of strawberries declaring he didn’t need dinner.


Cherish this time. always.